Balance your hormones, starting now >>


Balance your hormones, starting now >>


Balance your hormones, naturally.

I help women balance and optimize their hormones, mood and energy using the best of modern and natural medicine. 

After years of navigating my own hormone issues and 15 years of studying exercise science, naturopathic medicine and becoming a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP), I have developed a deep understanding of the tests, treatments and strategies that women need to truly address their hormone concerns.

Now, I use the very best of both modern and natural medicine to help women feel energized, radiant and confident in their bodies.

I know how it feels to struggle with hormones.

Like many of the patients who walk into my office, I saw numerous health care professionals and had many tests done searching for answers that would explain my symptoms.  I know how frustrating and overwhelming it is to try to "figure it out" on your own when standard testing doesn't provide the explanation you are looking for.

Hormones don't have to be a mystery.

Most women were never taught how to listen to their bodies, understand their cycles or recognize the early warning signs of hormone imbalance.

15.7 minutes.

The average length of time a woman has in a visit with her family doctor.

This is simply not enough time to thoroughly investigate the root cause of your hormone concerns.

Women deserve better.

Women deserve comprehensive, holistic care that is uniquely tailored to their needs, goals and values.

You deserve to feel your best, no matter the "time of the month."

Easy periods.  Glowing skin.  Balanced moods.  Healthy pregnancies.  Smooth menopause transition.  Optimal energy and confidence, all month long, at every stage of life.

It's time to feel connected to and empowered by your hormones, rather than at their mercy. 

Start now.

3 easy steps towards balancing your hormones, naturally.

 Take the Hormone Balance Quiz

Begin to figure out your hormone imbalance pattern and learn about the 6 Pillars of Hormone Health. 

Book Your Discovery Call

[Optional] Book your free 15-minute virtual meeting with me so we can discuss your goals and a blueprint for moving forward.

Book Your 1-Hour Initial Consultation

Now we begin.  This is our first consultation together (options for virtual or in-person visits).  

Available to residents of BC. 

If you want to dedicate yourself to taking care of your family, your work, or your world - your first task is to learn how to care for yourself.

Dr. Kathleen Mahannah, ND

No more guesswork. 

Overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there about hormones and don't know where to start?

Don't spend another dollar on supplements until you have your uniquely customized treatment plan in place. 

Let me help you create a customized hormone balancing treatment plan that will help you feel your best.

Wondering where to start?

Watch my FREE Hormone Mini-Trainings!

Are you in your 20's or 30's and want to balance your hormones?

Are you in your 40's, and wondering "what's going on" with your hormones?

Grab Your FREE Hormone Balance Quiz

and discover the Pillars of Hormone Health

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